Blog tagged as Headline Prayer Live

Joyce and I were on Intercessors for America's  Headline Prayer Live today and covered two of our articles, which ran today on Here's Joyce's:

Lord, strike Satan’s dominion with our prayers by lighting them with the fire of heaven and the pow...
01.31.23 05:12 PM - Comment(s)
On Tuesday Joyce and I each had an article post on

Mine was based on an interview I did with Fred Defoy about his study on joy. His wife, Johanna Defoy, worked with me to coach actors on their French accents for Washington's Armor. She recommended me to Fred as a Joy ...
01.14.23 10:39 PM - Comment(s)
For our last Headline Prayer Live of the year Intercessors for America reran our Thanksgiving episode, in which Joyce and I were on a team of intercessors reporting on answered prayer for the year.

This morning IFA posted a blog post I've been updating since 2012: " Take this Challenge in 2...
12.27.22 10:56 PM - Comment(s)
Joyce and I were on Headline Prayer Live today, covering six articles, including some of our own. Joyce wrote two articles on Intercessors for America's Policy & Prayer Summit: " Policy and Prayer: The Intercessors’ Wars" and " Policy and Prayer: The Intercessors Speak." I w...
12.13.22 05:00 PM - Comment(s)
Today was our first appearance on Headline Prayer Live... only because that's the new name of Pray with Others Live, which we've been on for a while. The new name is a better description of what we do: lead people in praying through articles posted to

We had an ...
11.29.22 05:22 PM - Comment(s)
