Headline Prayer Live

11.29.22 05:22 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Today was our first appearance on Headline Prayer Live... only because that's the new name of Pray with Others Live, which we've been on for a while. The new name is a better description of what we do: lead people in praying through articles posted to www.HeadlinePrayer.org

We had an important program today. I hope you'll join us in prayer as you're able. We covered a number of articles today, including one I wrote, " How to Pray for a ‘Post-Constitutional’ America." 

If you don't have time to watch the program before 3:45 p.m. Eastern today I urge you to read this article, which I addressed, and take action: " URGENT Prayer Needed NOW!"

Click the image to watch today's program...

To get reminders to join us live on the second and fifth Tuesdays every month sign up at www.RichDrama.com/Prayer

Views of the Manger will be live-streamed on www.BCONLove.org. Spanish subtitles only at the live event in Butler, NJ.

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