The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Audio Drama

Blog tagged as Audio Drama

Jonathan Park: Sound the Alarm

I was so thrilled to be a part of this 20th installment of the Jonathan Park audio drama! Here's the description: 

In just one year, the government outlawed all school-led prayer (1962) and banned school-sponsored Bible reading (1963). 17 years later, the public display of the Ten Commandments i...
12.27.22 07:38 PM - Comment(s)

“He’s just an amazing talent.”
Reviewing Jonathan Park, Season 15 

"Man, this guy, he can do anything.”
Reviewing The Adventum, Volume 3 

"The family friendly audio drama space is better because you are in it! Thank you for lending your talents to these amazing stories!”
JD Sutter

05.05.21 02:15 AM - Comment(s)
