What Is Satan Afraid Of?

01.31.23 05:12 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Joyce and I were on Intercessors for America's  Headline Prayer Live today and covered two of our articles, which ran today on www.HeadlinePrayer.org. Here's Joyce's:

Lord, strike Satan’s dominion with our prayers by lighting them with the fire of heaven and the power of the cross until all of the dark kingdom falls into dust. In Jesus’ name. 

Analysis. In Birmingham, England, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, leader of March for Life UK, was arrested in early December 2022 on a charge of silently praying in front of an abortion clinic that was closed at the time; her prayer was deemed a violation of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that established a “buffer” zone around the facility. PSPOs in the U.K. prohibit a range of peaceable activities, including audible prayer and “expressing opinions” about or “influencing” abortion-clinic activities.

And my article:

Lord, thank You for answering IFA’s prayers as justice is beginning to come in the wake of 186 attacks on pro-life organizations. 

On Sept. 29, IFA prayed with Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, a nationwide network of 650 pro-life medical centers, in the wake of their Buffalo facility’s being firebombed. In an answer to prayer, the FBI is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of perpetrators of crimes against pro-life entities. Additionally, alleged perpetrators Caleb Freestone, 27; and Amber Smith-Stewart, 23, were the first to be indicted for such crimes, in Florida, on Jan. 18.
Here's footage of me presenting Michael Bonning, Regional Executive - Buffalo, with a plaque honoring them for boldly re-opening 52 days after their facility was firebombed: 

Today IFA also posted our prayers:

Lord Jesus Christ, tear down the lies that these statues represent and be exalted in our nation. 

New York’s Madison Park now features a large golden statue in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and there’s one to match a block away atop the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court. Watch and pray with IFA Contributing Writers Joyce and Rich Swingle, as they break down the demonic symbolism and intercede in front of the statues.

We prayed over these articles and more on Headline Prayer Live today:

To get email alerts when we'll be on Headline Prayer Live again sign up at www.RichDrama.com/Prayer.

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat www.RichDrama.com/Pentecost.