The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

The Dove

Blog tagged as The Dove

I just did an interview on The Dove, a Christian TV/Radio/Internet station serving Southern Oregon and the world.

Here are links to some things I mentioned:
Over 20 films
A Matter of Perspective
The screening on Friday
Joni and Friends
Other ways to see Christ...
06.22.16 03:54 PM - Comment(s)
This morning I did this interview for Mornings on The Dove with Perry Atkinson.

Here are the links I mentioned:
Joni and Friends
Twin Rocks Friends Camp
Twin Rocks event at the Newmark Theatre in Portland
To play an extra send an ...
06.06.16 10:56 PM - Comment(s)
I've been interviewed twice on The Dove, which broadcasts from Southern Oregon, where I grew up. Here I've posted an interview I did after our trip to Puerto Rico, Romania and London during the 2012 Olympics. After that I posted a music video by a young woman we worked with at the Arts Camp in Roma...
03.08.16 04:05 PM - Comment(s)
I was interviewed this morning on Focus Today on The Dove. You can see the interview here:

You can see my previous interview on The Dove here.

08.21.15 03:16 AM - Comment(s)
Last week I was interviewed for radio and television on The Dove, and it just posted:


I talked about our work in Russia during the Winter Olympics, the MasterWorks Festival and  Alone Yet Not Alone, the film in theaters right now in which I play a land specu...
06.16.14 04:58 PM - Comment(s)
Here's a recent interview on Focus Today on The Dove, in which I talk about our upcoming documentary, Grace to the Nations: 2012. We showed a preview there in Southern Oregon a few weeks ago, and hope to release the final version soon. Sign up at to find out details.

11.19.12 04:25 PM - Comment(s)
