Healing from Sex Trafficking Can Happen

08.17.23 04:23 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Interviewing Creatives from Don't Say My Name

Last Tuesday Joyce and I were both on Intercessors for America's program Headline Prayer Live covering our articles and others. 

I was on a set in the woods without signal, which is why I haven't sent anything out in a while. Can't wait to tell you about that experience! There were miracles upon miracles! I'll wait to share details until producers give us the green light. 

In the meantime, here's Headline Prayer Live:

Here's Joyce's article: 

"Standing Up for Whistleblowers"

Lord, give us the courage and anointing to blow the whistle on evil. Protect all who stand for truth, and raise up more justice-bearers.

He didn’t know why he’d been arrested. Stumbling around one faceless bureaucracy after another, he could not discover the charges against him. Unable to find justice. Every line of inquiry resulted in bizarre conversations and more questions. In the end, he perished at the hands of abusive authorities. This dystopian world is the landscape of The Trial, an Orson Welles–directed film version of Franz Kafka’s novel of the same name.

[Click to read the whole article...]

And my article...

"Healing from Sex Trafficking Can Happen"

Lord, thank You for how you’re using film to set captives free and lead them to Your dreams for them, healed and whole.

While Sound of Freedom — and many other films — show heroes rescuing those caught in sex slavery, Don’t Say My Name starts with a slave escaping and focuses on the challenging journey of healing. 

[Click to read the whole article...]

Here's my interview:

Here's the trailer:

Though the material is handled very sensitively, parents of younger children should be aware of the thematic content involving sex trafficking, violence, smoking, sexual references, and some drug references. There was no profanity or blasphemy. There is one scene that could be quite frightening to younger viewers. 

I saw it Joyce, and we agree that teens  — with proper preparation and debrief — may be able to handle this film. It could do even more in a young person’s prayer/action trajectory than for those of us who already know what’s going on. At the same time, it is an intense movie. Joyce wrote an excellent article about debriefing from this vicarious trauma.

Here’s the full film: 

To get reminders when we'll be on Headline Prayer Live, sign up at www.RichDrama.com/blog/post/Prayer.

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