The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Short Films

Blog tagged as Short Films

"I, Daniel"
The preaching team at Westchester Chapel has been going through Ezekial 8 together, approaching it as if we're preparing to preach on that passage. Ezekiel's vision reminded me of a vision Evan Roberts had. Our "singing play" Songs of Revival shows how the Lord was calling Roberts...
07.22.23 02:42 PM - Comment(s)
I submitted a short film to The Quarantine Film Festival with two minutes to spare! It's an adaptation from my one-man play The Acts.

I ended up reshooting it and it's now available to watch at home and for your church through

If your church is interested in showing ...
05.01.20 03:06 AM - Comment(s)
Students of the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp study training videos before arriving, so once they're there we can jump straight into making a short film. This year's project was just posted, and you can see it below, or if you're reading this in an email, visit
11.17.18 06:15 PM - Comment(s)
I'm very excited to be working with Light Symphony Productions again on this very creative project! I play a scientist who has developed a robotic father, and I'll also play the voice of RoboDad! We had great fun!

It won the top prize for the Fatherhood CoMission film contest at the Christian Wor...
12.14.17 01:54 AM - Comment(s)
Joyce and I joined my former students William and Morgan Willer who directed and produced the short film, "There."

Joyce served on crew, and I played a father in search of his daughter during a storm who finds that he has to decide between getting her to safety and bringing a woman in la...
11.28.17 09:11 PM - Comment(s)
