The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Headline Prayer

Blog tagged as Headline Prayer

We're still trying to figure out when the last of the worshipers from the Asbury Outpouring left Hughes Auditorium (post a comment if you know), but we connected with two people who left at midnight after the Collegiate Day of Prayer service ended, so that seems to have been the official close. Tha...
02.27.23 12:09 AM - Comment(s)
On Friday I posted about the Collegiate Day of Prayer, but we were watching Jesus Revolutionwhile it was being streamed Thursday night. Friday night we watched the CDOP service. WOW! It's a real taste of the Asbury Outpouring! We had revival break out in our living room! 

They included many ...
02.25.23 05:56 AM - Comment(s)
I was mentioning this article Joyce wrote for last year and realized I'd never posted it:

Lord, please help us abide in You that Your Love and Joy flow through us. Let the very Love of God power our prayers so mountains move, the op...
02.10.23 01:14 PM - Comment(s)
Last night we were blessed to see The Chosen on Times Square at the AMC Empire Theatre. During the credits we noticed that three of the cast members had seen it with us! I was able to pray over two of them: Abraham* who plays Neshon, and Aalok Mehta (in the frame below), who plays Barnaby. Int...
02.04.23 02:05 PM - Comment(s)
Joyce and I were on Intercessors for America's  Headline Prayer Live today and covered two of our articles, which ran today on Here's Joyce's:

Lord, strike Satan’s dominion with our prayers by lighting them with the fire of heaven and the pow...
01.31.23 05:12 PM - Comment(s)
On Tuesday Joyce and I each had an article post on

Mine was based on an interview I did with Fred Defoy about his study on joy. His wife, Johanna Defoy, worked with me to coach actors on their French accents for Washington's Armor. She recommended me to Fred as a Joy ...
01.14.23 10:39 PM - Comment(s)
This morning two of Joyce's articles posted to

"Biden’s Weakness on Israel: Obama 2.0?":  America’s current administration is on shaky ground in the Middle East, according to journalist Bill Koenig, publisher of Koenig – World Watch Daily. K...
01.03.23 07:28 PM - Comment(s)

Joyce and I covered Kirk Cameron's book reading at the Scarsdale Public Library, just north of NYC: ' Kirk Cameron: “There’s More of Us than We Th...
12.31.22 07:39 PM - Comment(s)
For our last Headline Prayer Live of the year Intercessors for America reran our Thanksgiving episode, in which Joyce and I were on a team of intercessors reporting on answered prayer for the year.

This morning IFA posted a blog post I've been updating since 2012: " Take this Challenge in 2...
12.27.22 10:56 PM - Comment(s)
Joyce and I were on Headline Prayer Live today, covering six articles, including some of our own. Joyce wrote two articles on Intercessors for America's Policy & Prayer Summit: " Policy and Prayer: The Intercessors’ Wars" and " Policy and Prayer: The Intercessors Speak." I w...
12.13.22 05:00 PM - Comment(s)
Today was our first appearance on Headline Prayer Live... only because that's the new name of Pray with Others Live, which we've been on for a while. The new name is a better description of what we do: lead people in praying through articles posted to

We had an ...
11.29.22 05:22 PM - Comment(s)
Joyce and I covered Intercessors for America's Policy & Prayer Summit. Here's the first in a series of articles about the event and the speakers:

IFA Policy & Prayer Summit Exceeds Expectations

Lord, may the impact of the Policy & Prayer Summit resound through the halls of government i...
11.26.22 02:51 PM - Comment(s)
A blessed Thanksgiving to all! 

We've very grateful for all of you who have kept us in your prayers as you've been following us over the years and decades! 

Here are the Thanksgiving proclamations by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, preceded by the wisdom of Dutch Sheets: A Than...
11.22.22 05:21 PM - Comment(s)
This morning my article on Janet Porter, show runner for What's a Girl to Do, ran on

Lord, remove confusion in Michigan, and prompt those to vote for righteousness who are against infanticide and the criminalizing of parents for preventing their c...
11.08.22 05:28 PM - Comment(s)

Joyce and I shared a byline for the first time on " Let Us Worship at All 50 Capitals."

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it o...
11.03.22 04:52 PM - Comment(s)
Today on Pray with Others Live we covered several articles, including two we wrote. Joyce's article was " Restraining Satan," and mine was " IFA Wins Award at Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit."

Here's our program:

These are my interviews with Tim Shields, director...
10.12.22 01:43 AM - Comment(s)

Here are some highlights:

Here’s footage that IFA contributing writer Keith Guinta, Joyce, and I took, including Eric Metaxas’ opening prayers, footage from t...
09.28.22 01:23 AM - Comment(s)
Intercessors for America posted my interview with Todd Terry, who plays the main role in the hit series, Vindication: " How Villains in Film Can Direct Our Prayers." In this part of the interview he talks about his work in Running the Bases and Pursuit of Freedom.

09.22.22 10:02 PM - Comment(s)
Intercessors for America ran my interviews with George and Karen Johnson and Garry Nation about this amazing film, Pursuit of Freedom, at the Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit: " Divine Timing for Christian Films."

Here was my response a...
09.17.22 07:27 PM - Comment(s)
At Content2022 Film Festival and Media Summit I interviewed three of the stars of Running the Bases: Cameron Arnett (who Joyce and I teamed with for the Christ Over Career National Kickoff in New York City), Anita Cordell (an actress who has produced several films exposing human trafficking), and G...
09.17.22 02:23 AM - Comment(s)
