
Responding to Antisemitism at Columbia University

Intercessors for America (IFA) ran an article on Saturday that was reposted today: "5 Ways to Pray About Antisemitic ‘Protests.’" They embedded a teaser with some footage we took at Sean Feucht's United for Israel March last Thursday, as we circled the campus of Columbia Unive...

04.29.24 07:46 PM - Comment(s)
Unsung Hero

We just got back from seeing Unsung Hero and absolutely loved it! It was so moving and such a picture of trusting the Lord at every step. 

Here's my connection to the film: 

04.27.24 08:37 PM - Comment(s)
Is the Lord Your Refuge?
Joyce shares an exhortation from Psalm 11 in a message targeted to comfort in turbulent times.
04.14.24 05:36 PM - Comment(s)
Reflect on the Word
I got to teach on 2 Timothy 2:7 for Westchester Chapel. I included a video I created of me as Evan Roberts, as if he preached on that passage at Moriah Chapel in Loughor, Wales, while reflecting on the Welsh Revival of 1904/05. It's adapted from Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself...
04.14.24 05:15 PM - Comment(s)
When Government Fails

Joyce's article for Intercessors for America on Tuesday was the lead article in their The Informer, and they used the article title for Tuesday's Headline Prayer Live. Here's Joyce's article:

Lord, help us stay faithfully in the fight — even though human government fails. Guide us in our prayers for ...
04.11.24 08:19 PM - Comment(s)
This short film was written and directed by my former student, Rebecca Peterson. I was so proud of the work she did and the whole crew that she pulled together!
04.10.24 02:05 AM - Comment(s)
Jesus Appears

This morning I surprised our congregation at Westchester Chapel by portraying the Lord appearing to His disciples after His Resurrection: 

He is risen, indeed! Click the double fish below to find out more...


03.31.24 08:52 PM - Comment(s)
The Film: Letter to the American Church

I wrote an introduction to our friend and colleague Keith Guinta's review of Eric Metaxas' book Letter to the American Church. Shortly after the movie based on the book was released Dutch Sheets mentioned it on his Give Him 15 program, so I embedded that at the end of Keith's article: ...

03.18.24 07:13 PM - Comment(s)
Jonathan Park

We're enjoying the latest Jonathan Park audio drama, Back to the Garden

I play Johann, one of the lead roles, and I'm so pleased with how it turned out! 

You can read how our recording was marked by fiery miracles by clicking here.

As I post this, it's on sale.

03.17.24 09:21 PM - Comment(s)
Praying Righteously for Politicians
On Tuesday Intercessors for America posted this article by Joyce:

Praying Righteously for Politicians

Lord, help us pray for politicians as You desire: with infinite possibility and hope in their transformation into the image of Christ.

“He was a drug dealer. Then he shot someone. Then he got shot,” on...
03.15.24 05:42 PM - Comment(s)
"Mother, Let Me Live"

While we were attending the 50th Anniversary of Intercessors for America I happened to overhear Zoraida Noratto telling about a song she'd written from the perspective of a pre-born baby. I interviewed her and Audrey Fryckenberg, the musician who brought Noratto's song to life, and IFA shared the in...

03.06.24 08:58 PM - Comment(s)
Drama Evangelist

Since 2017 I've been a drama evangelist on the Metro New York District Church of the Nazarene. I just noticed I've never posted that here. Here's the original letter. 

Since then the number of continents on which I've taught and performed has risen to six (and I have a plan for Antarctica!), cou...

02.29.24 04:56 PM - Comment(s)
Ordinary Angels

We were blessed to attend the premiere of Ordinary Angels, which opens in theaters coast to coast tonight. It's a powerful picture of faith bringing a community together to save a little girl. 

We also attended the after party, and I was able to pray with a number of folks on their tea...

02.23.24 04:47 PM - Comment(s)
The Importance of Repentance in the Welsh Revival

Originally Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself was titled Songs of the Welsh Revival. Then the Asbury Outpouring began. As I write we're one year after the 298th hour of continuous worship, testimony, preaching, Scripture reading, Salvation, and rededication. We kn...

02.20.24 08:03 PM - Comment(s)
Reposting Dutch Sheets

Shortly after my first article in my series on the importance of repentance in revival (#ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival) Dutch Sheets posted a powerful teaching about what repentance is and how revival removes the veil which prevents people from repenting. As I...

02.15.24 06:49 PM - Comment(s)
The Power of Persistent Prayer

Today Joyce's latest article ran on

The Power of Persistent Prayer

Lord, thank You for encouraging us in the “long-term” prayers. May we be like the persistent widow, knocking on Your door.

“Crack the Dome!”

This came to me as a whisper as I rested in my YMCA room in Jerusalem. I...

02.13.24 05:00 PM - Comment(s)
The Asbury Outpouring

As I'm writing (2:22 p.m. Eastern) it's the hour the Asbury Outpouring started to build momentum on this day last year, four hours into the 374-hour service. Greg Haseloff, University Pastor at Asbury University, told me he first sensed something was different about 20-30 minutes after ...

02.08.24 04:10 PM - Comment(s)
The Scots Kirk on the Centennial!

We'd appreciate your prayer, as we just found out that there's an issue for people giving on! Not sure what's going on there, but it certainly needs prayer.

If you had a problem giving, feel free to give at, and in the memo ...

02.05.24 08:25 PM - Comment(s)
Contending for the Next Generation

Every time Joyce and I lead prayer for Intercessors for America it's a tremendous blessing, but today felt particularly weighty, since our children are under such attack. As our host Judy McDonough brought out on the program, throughout all five decades of IFA prayers have gone up for the next gener...

01.09.24 08:35 PM - Comment(s)
Seeking God for Revival

Yesterday Intercessors for America ran my article "Seeking God for Revival," the first in a series which will cover the importance of repentance in the 1970 Asbury Revival, the 1904–1905 Welsh Revival, and the 2023 Asbury Outpouring: 

Lord, thank You for leading souls to repentanc...

01.03.24 02:32 AM - Comment(s)
