Jesus Freaks

12.05.24 11:58 AM - Comment(s) - By Rich

Performed with the Sorbos

I was so blessed to perform in the upcoming film Jesus FreaksIt's based on events that happened in 1972, during the Jesus Movement. 

I play the adult son of a pastor who tries to stifle the uncontrollable work the Holy Spirit is doing in the youth of his church. My character's daughter is played by Octavia Flynn Sorbo (photo to the left), the daughter of Kevin and Sam Sorbo, who were also in the film, and their son Braeden plays one of the leads. 

The writer/director Nina May (First Lady, Daily Bread) is working on a distribution deal now. Join us in praying for as broad of an audience as possible. 

We saw a rough cut at its premiere. We're praying it will have a powerful impact on those who see it, and that it will help propel the revival that's rising on so many college and university campuses, including many secular schools. 

I was blessed that Cheryl Felicia Rhoads (left in photo to the right) and Mell Flynn (right in the photo to the right) of What's a Girl to Do? were also in our cast! Joyce and I connected with them at the premiere.  


If you're near Rochester, NY, I hope you can join our performance of the radio drama Unlikely Wise Man