Famous Last Words

01.18.25 07:21 PM - Comment(s) - By Rich

"I Am Still Alive!"

It's online! 

My first project of the year is already available! I was blessed to perform the roles of Leo Tolstoy and John Milton for Ethan Hill's podcast Famous Last Words

Click the arrow to the left to play it on Spotify, but it's also on most other podcast platforms. 

The fun thing about getting to play Milton is that I performed the role of Narrator in Paradise Lost for bassoon and oboe. Terry B. Ewell wrote the piece, inspired by Milton's epic poem of the same name, and performed bassoon. Doris DeLoach played oboe.

We performed the piece at the International Double Reed Society's annual conference and at the MasterWorks Festival, where all three of us were on faculty at the time.

Click here or on the image to watch it in various formats, or watch it below on YouTube...


I was blessed to win Best Actor in a Short Film at the International Film and Music Festival for my portrayal of the lead role in "A Matter of Perspective," produced by Ethan's family.