Repairers of the Breach
If you haven't been following my series #ScriptureInTheNight (on Facebook and Instagram), I've woken to a passage of Scripture every night since Easter of 2023. You can read more about how this is an answer to prayer by clicking here, but in a nutshell, I'll wake, look at the clock, hear a book of the Bible, and look up that passage. Sometimes there is no such chapter or verse, so I carry the extra numbers into the next chapter.
For the first two nights of 2025 I woke at exactly 2:40 a.m.:

I think it's funny that on the first night the lock screen said, "Try again."
On New Year's Day morning I heard, "Nehemiah." Nehemiah 2 only has 20 verses, so I carried the extra numbers into the next chapter and arrived at Nehemiah 3:20:

On the first night of Hanukkah (which happened to be Christmas Day this year) I posted a photo of our candles. Then, starting on the 26th, my #ScriptureInTheNight has been something that has lent itself to using our candles as the backdrop. If you're not familiar with the Hanukkah candles, they're lit from the middle candle, and the other candles represent the eight days of Hanukkah, starting on the right.
Anyway, tonight -- waking at the exact same time as last night -- I felt led to post the next verse:
On New Year's Day, in the description of my post, I included a link to the video that sprang to mind when I read that night's #ScriptureInTheNight. It's about the importance of helping families who can't afford to get their children out of public schools, where they're being trained to be "God-hating secular humanists." I was blessed to play the narrator of a story about a Medieval village. The fable closes the video with an inspiring picture of the whole village rising up to defend their children from attackers. The reason the #ScriptureInTheNight reminded me of the video, is that the video reminded me of Isaiah 58:12:
And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;
you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
you shall be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of streets to dwell in.
I sense that the reason the Lord woke me at the same time the first two nights of 2025 was to prompt me to share this important video more broadly:
Let's do what we can this year to repair the breach, and protect our children.
Our year-end letter is at