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This short film was written and directed by my former student, Rebecca Peterson. I was so proud of the work she did and the whole crew that she pulled together!
04.10.24 02:05 AM - Comment(s)
Jesus Appears

This morning I surprised our congregation at Westchester Chapel by portraying the Lord appearing to His disciples after His Resurrection: 

He is risen, indeed! Click the double fish below to find out more...


03.31.24 08:52 PM - Comment(s)
Jonathan Park

We're enjoying the latest Jonathan Park audio drama, Back to the Garden

I play Johann, one of the lead roles, and I'm so pleased with how it turned out! 

You can read how our recording was marked by fiery miracles by clicking here.

As I post this, it's on sale.

03.17.24 09:21 PM - Comment(s)
Drama Evangelist

Since 2017 I've been a drama evangelist on the Metro New York District Church of the Nazarene. I just noticed I've never posted that here. Here's the original letter. 

Since then the number of continents on which I've taught and performed has risen to six (and I have a plan for Antarctica!), cou...

02.29.24 04:56 PM - Comment(s)
Ordinary Angels

We were blessed to attend the premiere of Ordinary Angels, which opens in theaters coast to coast tonight. It's a powerful picture of faith bringing a community together to save a little girl. 

We also attended the after party, and I was able to pray with a number of folks on their tea...

02.23.24 04:47 PM - Comment(s)
The Scots Kirk on the Centennial!

We'd appreciate your prayer, as we just found out that there's an issue for people giving on! Not sure what's going on there, but it certainly needs prayer.

If you had a problem giving, feel free to give at, and in the memo ...

02.05.24 08:25 PM - Comment(s)
Thirty Years in NYC

Thirty years ago, this very hour, I pulled into New York City for the first time, and I've lived here ever since! 

I had a vague recollection that today was the day, so when I woke at 3:00 a.m. (a significant hour for me), I got up to search for the journal I kept during those early days in the ...

12.18.23 12:16 PM - Comment(s)
Have a Blessed Advent!
This is our annual Christmas eCard and Year in Review, including Joyce's message for the First Sunday of Advent.
12.05.23 10:03 PM - Comment(s)
A Few Highlights of the Year

I'm preparing our Year in Review, and I realized there are some pretty major events I hadn't given praise for yet:

Sharing a monologue as Rees Howells, one of our heroes, at the IFA celebration was one of the highlights of the year. The day before Richard Blackaby mentioned how Evan Roberts...

12.04.23 10:19 PM - Comment(s)
Thriving as Exiles

I'm sorry I missed it on the day, but we were just delighted to see photos!

Joyce wrote an article about it for Intercessors for America:

Lord, thank You for the hope of Your covenant promises. Thank You for hearing our prayers for New York City and that nothing is too hard for You.

The Lord blessed Ne...

11.28.23 01:37 PM - Comment(s)
Pray now

Right now in Paris, our friend is networking at an Evangelical expo. Pray for the right venue and connections for my one-man play Beyond the Chariots there next summer during the Olympics:

11.28.23 11:07 AM - Comment(s)
A Prophet's Life:

Joyce  continues Westchester Chapel's series "A Prophet’s Life: Lessons Learned From Those Called to Communicate God’s Truth” with a message from Isaiah 8:9-9:1, focusing on the difference between the godly and the ungodly. She makes a call to choose the godly path, fearing ...

11.20.23 01:17 PM - Comment(s)
Help us launch Songs of Revival!
We just had a wonderful rehearsal for Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself! Things are really clicking, and we can't wait to see how the Lord uses it this weekend in Howells (near Middletown) and Poughkeepsie, NY! At the end of our rehearsal Eric Metaxas showed up...
09.21.23 04:09 PM - Comment(s)
Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself
We're bringing our new "singing play," Songs of Revival: Hungry After God Himself to Howells (near Middletown) and Poughkeepsie, NY, on September 23 and 24. It tells the stories of the Welsh and Asbury Revivals from the perspective of young people...
09.17.23 02:49 AM - Comment(s)
Where We Were on 9/11?
Patti Souder and Jana Carman wrote People Like Us: Eden and Beyond in 1997, and I got to see a production of it at The Lamb's Little Theatre. Patti and I got to know each other on a group drive between NYC to Toronto where I performed I Dreamed I Was Free at a Christians in Theatre Arts conference.
09.10.23 11:24 PM - Comment(s)
Mission Accomplished!
This morning IFA posted my third article about the Command the Foreword initiative: Lord, thank You for inspiring and empowering your people to anoint every state border before our deadline.
09.02.23 05:17 PM - Comment(s)
A Prophet's Life
Joyce continues Westchester Chapel's series on "A Prophet’s Life: Lessons Learned From Those Called to Communicate God’s Truth” with a message from 1 Kings 18:41-46. She also refers to James 5:13-18.
08.27.23 04:16 PM - Comment(s)
Our Film Acting Résumés
Together, Rich and Joyce have performed in over 50 film projects. If you're interested in casting them in a film click through for more information.
07.24.23 08:58 PM - Comment(s)
Eternal Shalom
This sermon on Revelation 21:22-27 was for Westchester Chapel Church of the Nazarene on June 25. I include my performance of that passage from my one-man play The Revelation.
07.23.23 03:24 PM - Comment(s)
"I, Daniel"
The preaching team at Westchester Chapel has been going through Ezekial 8 together, approaching it as if we're preparing to preach on that passage. Ezekiel's vision reminded me of a vision Evan Roberts had. Our "singing play" Songs of Revival shows how the Lord was calling Roberts...
07.22.23 02:42 PM - Comment(s)
