Be Ready

09.03.24 08:48 PM Comment(s) By Rich

in season and out of season

On May 29 I did this teaching on 2 Timothy 4:1-4. I didn't have time to post it at the time, but it came up several times when we were in Europe: A new friend from Northern Ireland sent me a post referencing it with a story about John Wayne saying, "...John Wayne gives his heart to Jesus Christ..." Then the service in the Kilsyth Burns and Old Parish Church in Scotland opened with a reading from that passage. This #ScriptureInTheNight was a passage that reminded me of it and prompted me to finally post this teaching:


Average Joe is coming to theaters only on October 11. Mark your calendars! 

Here are the articles I wrote a couple of articles about Coach Joe Kennedy: 

The first includes my interview with the Kendrick Brothers talking about how blessed they are that their film Facing the Giants inspired him to pray on the 50 yard line, and the second includes a video of all three Kendrick Brothers responding to his message to them, thanking them for inspiring him.