Blog by Rich

Prayer for True Triumph in Paris
We were in downtown Paris today to meet her royal highness, Princess Anne, the patron of The Eric Liddell 100. More on that soon, but while we were there we took a moment to pray for the Christian athletes before tonight's opening ceremonies.
07.26.24 05:07 PM - Comment(s)
The Night Before Noisy
We set things up for tomorrow's performance at l'Eglise Evangélique Baptiste Vie Nouvelle, and we were so excited by all they're doing to prepare! You can hear an interview (in French) with the visionary behind tomorrow night's performance...
07.23.24 04:48 PM - Comment(s)
Beyond the Chariots (Au-delà des Chariots)
For English: Le film Chariots de feu, récompensé par quatre Oscars, raconte comment Eric Liddell a refusé de courir le 100 mètres aux Jeux olympiques de Paris en 1924 parce qu'une épreuve de qualification avait lieu un dimanche.
07.19.24 04:54 PM - Comment(s)
Another 100th Anniversary

... you know Eric Liddell refused to run the 100m because one of the heats would be run on a Sunday. Instead he preached in the Scots Kirk Paris, where I performed my one-man play about him 100 years later

What you may not know is that there were other races he wouldn't run because a heat woul...

07.13.24 06:10 PM - Comment(s)
The Missing Scene

If you've watched my performance of Beyond the Chariots at the Singapore Expo it's missing one of my favorite scenes. We had to trim the play to fit a larger service, and we needed to do that again at Summer Madness in Northern Ireland at the end of June. This time I got to perform the scene separat...

07.09.24 08:15 PM - Comment(s)
From Frankfurt

I'm posting this a bit out of order, but today, as I was making my way through Paris, I heard one of our pastors at Westchester Chapel preach on Jonah. It reminded me that I hadn't posted my report about my performance of my play about Jonah in Frankfurt on Independence Day: 

07.07.24 09:06 PM - Comment(s)
The Scots Kirk Paris

Today was definitely a once in a lifetime event! We got to share Beyond the Chariots at The Scots Kirk Paris, where Eric Liddell preached one hundred years ago today, instead of running the 100m heat at the 1924 Paris Olympics. We added a once only scene to the play: 

07.06.24 07:06 PM - Comment(s)
Update from Dublin
Here's a brief summary of what happened in Northern Ireland and what's planned for tomorrow in Frankfurt...
07.03.24 04:19 AM - Comment(s)
Before Summer Madness Begins

This annual Christian youth festival has been running since 1987. Here's our report before the Madness begins...

Here's our schedule: 

Portglenone, Northern Ireland

28 June - 2 July
29 June, 4 p.m.
Big Top
29 June, 7 p.m. 
Big Top
Excerpts from
06.28.24 11:02 AM - Comment(s)
We've Crossed the Pond!
We changed planes in Amsterdam and send you this greeting:
06.27.24 05:01 PM - Comment(s)
My Sources

Last night over dinner I was talking about sources I used in writing Beyond the Chariots, which we're about to take to Paris and beyond for the centennial of Eric Liddell's victory there. Then a few hours later I posted more details on social media, so I thought I’d share some more here:

I read ...

06.25.24 04:00 AM - Comment(s)
These translation slides are being prepared for our performances in Europe...
06.22.24 01:28 PM - Comment(s)
Hope and Healing for October 7

Joyce wrote an excellent article inspired by the Off-Broadway play October 7, playing in New York City through June 16, and it includes videos we took before (of the playwright, Phelim McAleer, and two cast members, René Ifrah and Rebecca Lynn Goldfarb) and after (our responses to the play...

06.11.24 08:10 PM - Comment(s)
Three Upcoming Performances in NYC

Pray for my brain as I'm prepping for these three plays and a sermon: 

June 9, 11 a.m.

Sermon: "Walking on Water" (Interpreted into Korean)

1:30 p.m.
Big Fish Little Worm (Korean translation slides)

Queens Central Church of the Nazarene
6111 220th St
Oakland Gardens NY 11364

FREE with a ...

06.06.24 05:02 PM - Comment(s)
Honoring Israel in NYC

This morning my article about various ways New York City is honoring Jewish people ran:

"Honoring Israel in NYC"

Lord, thank You that New York City is hosting events to help its citizens respect and protect the Jewish people. May other cities honor Your Chosen People.

At least three events in...

06.04.24 02:26 PM - Comment(s)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Owner's Manual
So this happened hours after the last episode (#2) of What's a Girl to Do? aired...
06.01.24 09:48 AM - Comment(s)
European Dress Rehearsal in an Off-Broadway Theatre

We're taking my one-man play Beyond the Chariots to Europe to celebrate the centenary (the British version of centennial) of Eric Liddell refusing to run the 100m to prove he was the fastest man alive because one of the heats was on a Sunday, July 6, 1924. We'll be performing my play about...

05.20.24 07:20 PM - Comment(s)
What's a Girl to Do?

I was first cast in the sitcom What's a Girl to Do? in 2021. Episode by episode, we finally have our first season, and it debuted May 18 on the PTL network. 

I just had one line, but the show runner, Janet Porter -- architect of the Heartbeat Bill -- liked the character! She expan...

05.18.24 05:15 PM - Comment(s)
National Day of Prayer

On the National Day of Prayer in 2022 we prayed over several Broadway theatres. We've been too busy to organize something like that this year, but I wanted to do one #PrayOverBroadwayLive today. Please join me in prayer...

05.02.24 03:11 PM - Comment(s)
Hope for Campuses Under Siege

Today on Headline Prayer Live Joyce and I led prayer inspired by a number of articles, including Joyce's, "Hope for Campuses Under Siege," posted with three videos of material from Columbia University: 

Lord, forgive those raging against Israel. Bless these enemies, and bless the Jewis...
04.30.24 06:16 PM - Comment(s)
