Blog tagged as Paris

The Night Before Noisy
We set things up for tomorrow's performance at l'Eglise Evangélique Baptiste Vie Nouvelle, and we were so excited by all they're doing to prepare! You can hear an interview (in French) with the visionary behind tomorrow night's performance...
07.23.24 04:48 PM - Comment(s)
From Frankfurt

I'm posting this a bit out of order, but today, as I was making my way through Paris, I heard one of our pastors at Westchester Chapel preach on Jonah. It reminded me that I hadn't posted my report about my performance of my play about Jonah in Frankfurt on Independence Day: 

07.07.24 09:06 PM - Comment(s)
The Scots Kirk Paris

Today was definitely a once in a lifetime event! We got to share Beyond the Chariots at The Scots Kirk Paris, where Eric Liddell preached one hundred years ago today, instead of running the 100m heat at the 1924 Paris Olympics. We added a once only scene to the play: 

07.06.24 07:06 PM - Comment(s)
The Scots Kirk on the Centennial!

We'd appreciate your prayer, as we just found out that there's an issue for people giving on! Not sure what's going on there, but it certainly needs prayer.

If you had a problem giving, feel free to give at, and in the memo ...

02.05.24 08:25 PM - Comment(s)
