Reposting Dutch Sheets

02.15.24 06:49 PM Comment(s) By Rich

And Dutch Sheets Reposting Me

Shortly after my first article in my series on the importance of repentance in revival (#ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival) Dutch Sheets posted a powerful teaching about what repentance is and how revival removes the veil which prevents people from repenting. As I was preparing an intro for his post on, Joyce told me that Dutch Sheets read Part One of my series on Give Him 15! It seems Holy Spirit is awakening both of our ministries to the importance of repentance in this season.

Here's our repost of Dutch's teaching: 

What Repentance in Revival Means

Lord, direct our prayers for repentance and revival in our land, and remove the veil for more repentance through revival!

An Incredibly Harmful Misunderstanding 

What I am about to share with you is not related to what is coming in 2024 in a predictive sense. But it is very related in a causative sense. It is extremely important, greatly misunderstood, and terribly under-taught. Please put your student hats on today and THINK. Holy Spirit, open our ears to hear today, and give me the ability to communicate with great clarity.

[Click here to read the whole post and/or watch him read it...]

And here's Dutch reading my first article in the series:

For any unfamiliar with Dutch Sheets' ministry, check out To give you a sense of his reach, 51,000 people watched him read my article. Glory to God! Lord, keep moving our hearts toward you! 

When Joyce and I attended the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance I prayed I'd get a chance to thank Dutch for reading my article. I also wanted to give him a link to my portrayal of Rees Howells. I reported earlier how I'd offered to write and perform a monologue for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Intercessors for America. I was given a list of people that could be good, which included Rees Howells. We prayed over it and felt clear that was where we were being directed. I performed in the morning, and after lunch Dutch spoke and used a long illustration about Rees Howells! John Beckett, who helped steer me to Howells was at the next table over, and we were poking each other like school children! When IFA CEO Dave Kubal told Dutch about the performance he said, "No way!" Then he told how, as he was preparing he kept hearing Holy Spirit whisper, "Rees. Rees."

As soon as we walked up to the Museum of the Bible for the National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance, there was Dutch in line to get in! He graciously accepted my link and reiterated that he wanted to share more of my work. Praise the Lord! 

Photo courtesy of IFA.