The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Under Drake's Flag

10.10.15 09:12 PM Comment(s) By Rich

With John Fornof, director of
Under Drake's Flag, in the same studio
when we recorded The Dragon and
the Raven.
While on a tour of the Pacific Northwest (Instagram and Facebook: #NWTour15) I recorded myself reviewing Under Drake's Flag, an audio movie which preceded The Dragon and the Raven in which I got to play four roles and numerous Danish and Saxon warriors.

I was going to record myself reciting the prayer of Sir Francis Drake, but producer Bill Heid's grandson doing is just too charming:

Here's Heirloom Audio's vision for using the G.A. Henty Books:

Ever wonder why we chose G.A. Henty's novels to adapt into our audio adventures? Watch this video and find out! #UnderDrakesFlag #GAHenty #BehindTheScenes #Audies2015
Posted by The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty on Monday, April 6, 2015

Hear my review of another Heirloom Audio:

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