Taking the Land by Taking Command

01.20.20 01:29 AM Comment(s) By Rich

Happy Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Weekend, Belated Religious Freedom Day (on which it was proclaimed that prayer is allowed in public schools), Happy Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and Happy Sanctity of Human Life Sunday! I got to open our service at Westchester Chapel praising and praying for these wonderful celebrations of liberty and hope!  Joyce opened her message talking about how challenging it was to pack for Africa.

Click the arrow below, or if you're reading this in an email you can  click this link, to play the service:


During worship we sang "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." Click the arrow below, or if you're reading this in an email you can  click this link, to play the story behind that hymn:


 This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

If you want to more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit www.WestchesterChapel.org/Salvation.

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance.