The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Seeking or Missing Out

08.18.13 10:40 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Pastor Joyce Swingle preached on  Matthew 7:7-11.

Her husband, Rich, gave a report on how the Lord moved at the Salvation Army performing arts conservatory, where he taught, directed and performed last week.

Pastor Joyce shares about how their 10-year prayer was answered for a space at housing subsidized for performing artists. You can see a photo of their miraculous view at

For more information on "The Great Soviet Awakening" click the image of the book cover. For information on our trip to Russia for the Winter Olympics visit

Click on the links for more information about  Grace Unplugged and Operation Christmas Child.


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After this morning's lineup is a song Rich learned at the Salvation Army Conservatory, "Forever Reign". Grooveshark is a third party source. If you listen on their website you will encounter advertisements, none of which are vetted or endorsed by Westchester Chapel. If there are ads that you find offensive we encourage you to click the "Report Ad" link below the ad.

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Watch Joyce and I play the parents of nine...
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