See Jesus and Take Action

09.30.19 01:28 AM Comment(s) By Rich

This morning Joyce and I challenged Warwick Church of the Nazarene to see Jesus, what He did for us, and to take action.

At the opening, Joyce mentioned our upcoming trip to Africa to perform and speak at Africa Nazarene University next month. She mentioned that we're expanding our sketch on Harmon Schmelzenbach, the first missionary in the Church of the Nazarene. What she left out is that the expansion is in her section of the piece. She'll be sharing the dramatic testimony of Lula Schmelzenbach.

She also refers to my performance the night before of I Dreamed I Was Free, and how the performance was used to raise awareness of modern slavery.

I read excerpts from the Book of John , and she taught on those passages.

At the close of the service, Selah Cohen of Sensory Bible Experiences, blew the shofar and prayed the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew!

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I Dreamed I Was Free tells the story of Quaker abolitionist John Woolman, who spoke against slavery a century before our Civil War.