The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Revelation the Musical

05.18.19 07:57 PM Comment(s) By Rich

What a joy it's been to be a part of Revelation the Musical. I'm half-way through my three weeks of this Off-Broadway run which will run through June 9.

I’ve been performing my own one-man play based on The Revelation for almost 20 years, so I’m just delighted to be playing John in this musical production of the last book of the Bible. Its energy and creativity make it feel like it could become the next Godspell.

If you didn't get the discount code I sent to friends in and near New York City, subscribe at, and I'll get it to you.

This one has different clips, and includes me getting pulled into the air by two of my colleagues.

There are still openings for the  Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp and the Christian Artist Mentoring Project this summer, where I'll be teaching acting for film (RMCFC) and stage (CAMP).
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