The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Reprising a Role

09.04.15 12:36 PM Comment(s) By Rich
I got to reprise my role as the slave trader in Polycarp in a review of the film by Zack Lawrence. We filmed the opening sequence at The Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp, where I taught film acting and coached the actors in their student films. This was a great bonus to the students since student films can't be listed on the Internet Movie Database, but Zack's Indy Christian Review has long been recognized by IMDb, so all of our students got a credit there. For most of them that meant getting a page there for the first time, a great start for their professional work!

Congratulations everyone! And congratulations to everyone in Polycarp since it was a very positive review.

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Also, we're now taking sign-ups for Rio Ready.
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