Renewal of Vows

05.06.23 08:48 AM Comment(s) By Rich

Joyce and I celebrated our 25th anniversary on a palindrome: 3/21/23. 

We renewed our vows at Westchester Chapel on the Sunday just before. Our friends Domenic and Jia Lily K. Guastaferro sang "The Wedding Song," which was sung 25 years ago at our Off-Broadway wedding at The Lamb's Theatre/Church of the Nazarene. Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul, and Mary, wrote "The Wedding Song," and he had attended the Lamb's Church, so it was very meaningful. Jim and Linda Warren, who married us in '98, blessed us and prayed over us. Dr. Linda led Joyce to the Lord when Joyce worked for her at Sports Illustrated. Pastor Jim did the artwork for our vows, which we wrote 25 years ago. I also learned guitar for the song I sang to Joyce on our wedding day: "I Will Be Here," by Stephen Curtis Chapman.

Pastor Jim Warren gave the sermon following our vows ceremony, wrapping up our series What Happens When a Created People Leave Their Creator? He unpacked 2 Peter 3:14
The sermon is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

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