The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Purpose driven police

09.08.08 05:56 PM Comment(s) By Rich

This church, Christ Commission Fellowship, is gathering for its annual anniversay celebration. They started 24 years ago in a living room. They usually meet around Manila in smaller fellowships. None of the pastors take a salary, so that they don't attract ministers for the wrong reason.

The Chief of Police here, Gen. Avelino Razon, gave his life to the Lord, and he's now requiring that every police officer in the city goes through The Forty Days of Purpose, based on Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life.

He pointed out that, though this is the only Catholic nation in Asia, corruption and immorality are rampant because the focus has been on the forgiveness of God. He challenged the thousands to consider that He is also a God of justice.

Another member helped establish Christmas as a national holiday in Nepal!

The pastor pointed out that every two seconds someone in the world dies. He urged us to do all we can to help them know how to live beyond the grave.

He quoted Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Someone told him he was praying God would be on Lincoln's side. Lincoln said God is always on the side of the right. We need to pray that we're on God's side.

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