Prepare While We Shelter!

04.26.20 06:54 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Joyce shares from Acts 1 how the disciples used their time of sheltering in place to prepare through prayer, fellowship and organizational healing.  She encourages the congregants to use this sacred time of sheltering to prepare as persons and as a people for the mission of building God's Kingdom on earth.

Illustrating the unique times we are living in, Joyce shared this weekday view of the usually busy 42nd Street in Manhattan.

I got to open in prayer, and I shared a filmed version of a scene from my one-man play, The Acts. I'm wanting to make adjustments before posting it, so stay tuned.

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This service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

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Joyce and/or I will be presenting three more times this week: