Pray Over Broadway Live: The Winter Garden Theatre

03.25.21 03:16 PM Comment(s) By Rich

With Broadway darkened by the lockdowns, we're praying they're resurrected to tell godly stories! 

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Praying over Broadway. Prayed for you, Carol Jaudes, Susan Somerville Brown, TAM Conservatory, Kathryn Higgins, Jerry Carroll, Alma Villegas, Robin Leigh Massie, Steven Condy, Donald James Parker, Maina Wamboi Alice #PrayForBroadwayLive

Posted by Rich Swingle on Thursday, March 25, 2021

T.S. Elliot's poetry was the basis for CATS.

See the rest of Olympic champion Eric Liddell's Chariots of Fire story in Beyond the Chariots. Watch it online and book a live performance
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