Pray Over Broadway Live: The Vivian Beaumont Theater

04.08.21 01:23 AM - Comment(s) - By Rich

Praying over The Vivian Beaumont Theater and Juilliard, across the street. I set up a story, but my phone died before I could tell it. Hear the story at (4/13).
Pray Over Broadway Live: The Vivian Beaumont Theater

With Broadway darkened by the lockdowns, we're praying they're resurrected to tell godly stories! Sorry for the abrupt ending! My phone ran out of juice! I'll tell Patrick Kavanaugh's vision on a future #prayoverbroadwaylive. Prayer over The Ethel Barrymore Theatre: Prayer over the Helen Hayes Theatre:

Posted by Rich Swingle on Wednesday, April 7, 2021

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat