The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle


04.23.11 04:27 AM Comment(s) By Rich

My performance of Journey to the Garden was outdoors tonight. There was a light rain, but I said I'd keep performing until they decided they wanted to move it indoors. About the time Jesus was being flogged lightning began to flash over our heads. When the crowd yelled, "Crucify him!" there were sirens going off. A 7-year-old asked her mother, "Are they coming to arrest us?" I found out later that the sirens blare when a tornado has been spotted. Turns out one blasted into St. Louis's Lambert field, eight miles away from us. The airport is now closed indefinitely, so pray I can get home in time to catch my train to DC for a week of workshops! During the crucifixion the thunder and lightning intensified, and it reached a crescendo over, "Ilohi, Ilohi, lama sabachthani, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" After the line, "It is finished!" there was a huge downpour! One by one people walked into the home of my friends who hosted the performance, away from the shroud of Jesus as the heavens continued to burst. When they were all inside I changed and joined one of the most powerful worship services I've ever experienced. Some were saying that the kids that were here will never forget this. I know I never will!

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