The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Palm Sunday thoughts and prayers

03.25.13 01:09 AM Comment(s) By Rich

There was a technical error that prevented today's sermon from being recorded, but we uploaded Bill H.'s opening comments about Palm Sunday and  Pastor Joyce Swingle's prayer and announcements. Pastor Jim Warren also shares some news about the April 27 production of The Revelation.

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Pastor Linda Warren preached a sermon titled "Worship the King" on Matthew 20:29-21:11, which precedes and covers the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the event now commemorated with Palm Sunday.

One sad result of the interrupted recording is that you can't hear Pastor Linda share how she felt led to sing Chris Tomlin's rendition of the hymn "Crown Him with Many Crowns" this morning. She had the idea so late in the week that she didn't want to impose it upon Bill and Liz H., who were leading worship today. As you can see in our worship lineup below, the Holy Spirit prompted them to introduce it to Westchester Chapel for the first time.

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