Our New Website Is Ready!

06.03.23 02:24 AM Comment(s) By Rich

And one of the most popular posts from our old site is finally updated!

After much tinkering, I’m publicly announcing my new website! It’s the same url as before: www.RichDrama.com.

The link will actually work on the site.

The big disappointment is that there are 18 years worth of broken links on the blog. Here’s why: www.RichDrama.com/404.

Tonight I finally updated one of my most popular posts from my old blog: www.RichDrama.com/blog/post/MyPassion. There were 6,528 visits to that page on my old site. Let’s pray multitudes more visit the new version of the page and receive what the Lord has for them in relationship with Himself! 

One of my favorite films I've been a part of -- 
because of the clear presentation of the Gospel -- 
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