Oriented Up (Fellowship and Abraham, Part 3)

05.01.16 10:58 PM Comment(s) By Rich

This morning our church, Westchester Chapel, closed out a three part series-within-a- series on Abraham, so I posted a sketch on the Abraham story I helped developed through sociodrama by at the Grace Brethren Church of Winona Lake, Indiana, in 2012:


Here's today's service...
Rachel Taylor teaches on  Genesis 22. Dr. Linda Warren opens with a report on how much the Lord has been fulfilling His promises He gave when we went through our last sermon series, Moving into the Holy Spirit's Gifts. Pastor Jim Warren leads worship and reads  Psalm 141:1-2.


This service is available for download free on  iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

If you want to more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit www.WestchesterChapel.org/Salvation.

Photo of Rachel Taylor courtesy of NicolettiPhoto.com.

I play a lead in Providence, which could be heading to a city near you. Sign up at www.RichDrama.com/Updates to get the announcement.