The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Live from Asbury Revival

02.15.23 07:51 PM Comment(s) By Rich

Joyce and I reported live again today from Asbury University at the 170th hour of last week's chapel service: 

We interviewed Emma Elliot, who drove with her husband Robert (who gave me permission to say he was too emotional to be on camera) five hours twice from Ohio to be here. They're both in the cast and crew of What's a Girl to Do?

We'll be on Pray with America's Leaders Thursday at 12:15 p.m. Eastern with Jeannine Brabon, who started praying for revival at Asbury in 1967. She was there for the 1970 Asbury Revival which went for 185 hours. Join us by phone or webcast:

I released “Pentecost: Beyond the Imagination,” a scene from my one-man play, The Actsat

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