The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

John on Jesus and Judgement

10.16.17 12:32 AM Comment(s) By Rich

This morning at Westchester ChapelJoyce teaches from Matthew 3:7-12, in which John the Baptist pulls no punches about judgement and the need for Jesus the Savior to avoid eternal suffering.

Pastor Jim Warren opens reading 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. He references his sermon from last week, Embrace the Oddness. Dr. Linda Warren releases the Treasure Seekers and shares the announcements. She praises the Lord that the largest Spanish speaking church in White Plains is Centro de Avivamiento Valle de Sitim, una Iglesia del Nazareno, which was established because we opened our doors and our hearts to them and agreed that we were one people with two languages.

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