Honoring Israel in NYC

06.04.24 02:26 PM Comment(s) By Rich

60,000 turn out to support God's Chosen People

This morning my article about various ways New York City is honoring Jewish people ran:

"Honoring Israel in NYC"

Lord, thank You that New York City is hosting events to help its citizens respect and protect the Jewish people. May other cities honor Your Chosen People.

At least three events in NYC have recently focused on celebrating Israel, and two of them bring awareness to the atrocities Hamas committed on October 7.

[Click to read the whole article...]

Here's the video embedded in the article: 

I also got to stand in for one of our friends and colleagues who was unable to be on Headline Prayer Live and lead people in prayer over my article and others: 

Pray many will be encouraged to pray through the article and videos.

Joyce and I will be on together next Tuesday. We appreciate prayer as we prepare for that.

For a reminder, sign up at www.RichDrama.com/blog/post/Prayer.


We're now over 80% to our budget for our missions trip to Europe, but we've been surprised on many fronts as expenses rise. 

Pray about helping us across the finish line.