The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Hears the Story: Boaz in Ruth

02.28.23 08:40 AM Comment(s) By Rich

Last week I played one of the narrators and a messenger of the Eternal One for the story of Samson in the reading series  Hears the Story. As Providence would have it, I got to be in a scene with Christ Over Career founder, Cameron Arnett (actor in Overcomer, I Still Believe, Running the Bases). Even though it was a reading, it was an answer to prayer and a whole lot of fun! 

Tonight I'm thrilled to play Boaz in the story of Ruth .

It will be live only tonight at 7 p.m. at The Salvation Army's Theatre 315, 315 West 47th Street, New York, NY. 

Click here for the Eventbrite page if you'd like to reserve your free seat, and  click here for the schedule. It shows Grace Hwoang tonight. She's writing songs she'll perform based on the passages of Scripture we'll read on those dates. 

Appreciate prayers as we prepare!

Here's Cameron and me talking about upcoming Christ Over Career events in Indiana and L.A.:

I play a lead in  Providence, which  you can bring to your area.

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