The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Get your tickets for 40% off!

08.08.15 06:48 PM Comment(s) By Rich

I'll be teaching for the third time at the Christian Worldview Film Festival Guild next March, and I hope you'll join me!

Here's the montage they put together from this year's festival and guild:
From Media Talk 101 on Vimeo.

They're moving to a new venue, and they need to make the downpayment soon, which means a deep discount if you can reserve your tickets now. The founder, Phillip Telfer explains...
2016 Announcement! from Media Talk 101 on Vimeo.

The Guild and Festival have been an incredible opportunity to network with Christian filmmakers and catch the vision for what the Lord is doing in this powerful and impactful medium.

Hope to see you there!

Now taking sign-ups for Rio Ready.
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