Mission Accomplished!

09.02.23 05:17 PM Comment(s) By Rich

All State Borders Covered!

This morning IFA posted my third article about the Command the Foreword initiative: 

Lord, thank You for inspiring and empowering your people to anoint every state border before our deadline. We praise You for the many ways Your people are commanding the foreword from coast to coast, declaring our founding documents to You Who inspired them! Hear our prayers for protection, healing, and revival!

“The Paint Your State/Command the Foreword assignment has now been completed,” Dutch Sheets announced in the September 1 Give Him 15 post. IFA has been reporting on this initiative, and we’re so blessed by how many of you have taken part! All state borders have been covered, and intercessors have gone above and beyond the assignment to pray at every border county line, except for eight in the remotest parts of Alaska. 
[Click here to read the full article…]

Here’s the latest map of how many county borders were prayed over: 

Here’s the video embedded in the article of me praying through some southern states:

And here’s a photo of the snake the three women mentioned in the article found dead: 

I had to ask if the photo was actually of the dead snake since it looks so alive! Carol Kemp assured me that was how they found it, but it was dead. 

Check out all of my updates on the Command the Foreword initiative at www.RichDrama.com/blog/tag/commanding-the-foreword.

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