The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Advent: Reverse the Curse

12.05.14 01:27 AM Comment(s) By Rich

Pastor Joyce Swingle opens the Advent Season from the perspective of children: Mark 10:13-16. Pastor Jim Warren mentions Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation of Thanksgiving and Praise, and how we've dropped the praise and forgotten to whom we should be thankful. Sandy R. introduced and led worship, including the God-inspired closing song, which matched the sermon so perfectly. Prayer and announcements by Pastor Linda Warren and Assistant Pastor Rachel Taylor.

Pastor Joyce makes reference to living under occupation, so we've embedded Czechoslovakia 1968, which chronicles the Nazi and Communist occupation of that nation.


The film was awarded the Oscar for short films in 1969. It was co-produced and directed by Robert Fresco, who attended some of our events.

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Soon taking applications for the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp and Engage Rio.
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