The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

A Boy's War

03.11.18 09:53 PM Comment(s) By Rich

I got to be a script consultant on this delightful short, which was nominated for Best Animated Film at the International Christian Film Festival, and it won Third Place for the Fatherhood CoMission at the Christian Worldview Film Festival. This team has been nominated at that festival several times, and last year they won for their film " Father Daughter Dance!"

They used the title I suggested, which was inspired by a book written by a gentleman who was interned with Eric Liddell.

Their thank you to me was naming the film family after mine!

You can watch the film below or if you're receiving this via email at (3/10/18).

We have a few spots left at for the 2018 Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp.
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