I played Claud, a French chef in an Italian restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the film A Christmas Snow.
You can see it on TV throughout the Christmas Season.
You can see it on TV throughout the Christmas Season.
Or click here to order a DVD.
After screening A Christmas Snow at our church, Westchester Chapel, there were so many positive comments. One woman said she thought it would just be a sweet little Christmas film, but didn't expect it to be so powerful. Another woman went through the cast list saying she identified with so many of the characters for very specific reasons. But the one that really blew me away was a man who shared that his wife asked him to leave, and after he honored her request and moved out, she told their daughters that he had abandoned them. He's giving copies of A Christmas Snow to both of his girls and--as the film inspires--hopes to reconcile with them this Christmas.

I had a phenomenal time with cast mates Craig Walters (Martin) and Catherine Mary Stewart (Kathleen).