The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle


Blog tagged as Spain

Sometime early in this millennium Joyce and I brought a couple of my one-man plays to a missionary retreat on the Costa Brava, near Barcelona, Spain. There we met some missionaries who used some little costumes they'd made to do Chinkin sketches. They kindly let us borrow them, and later we used th...
11.21.14 02:47 PM - Comment(s)
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In December of 2003, after a performance in Barcelona, Joyce and I drove up the French Riviera as far as St. Tropez. Then, when she had business in Nice in 2006 we drove up to Italy and down to Cannes. On this trip we tried to complete the circuit. We drove south from Can...
08.11.07 06:41 PM - Comment(s)
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 see more photos here.
After performing Big Fish Little Worm and The Revelation on the Costa Brava for a Church of the Brethren missionaries' retreat we spent a day in Barcelona, where we spent most of our time at La Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's Cathedral, which is still in the midst of a 15...
01.01.04 04:55 PM - Comment(s)
