The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

Headline Prayer

Blog tagged as Headline Prayer

Moving Testimony...
Rebekah Cook, one of our first screen children, told us about this touching short film she and our friend Leona Worcester were a part of when Tracy Robinson was gearing up for her important documentary The Matter of Life.
07.15.23 11:20 AM - Comment(s)
Facing Undeserved Curses
Intercessors for America posted Joyce's article and my video footage this morning on Lord, protect Your servants from curses: An undeserved curse has no effect (Prov. 26:2 TLB). “I’m satan, and I’m going to kill you!” The ill-kept man hurled this curse at Sean Feucht...
07.13.23 02:50 PM - Comment(s)
Praying with Priestly Power
Yesterday morning Joyce's article "Praying with Priestly Power" was posted to, and Joyce talked about it as the host of Headline Prayer Live. Judy McDonough, who typically hosts the program, was away, and I was, too...
06.14.23 08:39 AM - Comment(s)
Brave Lawyer Warns NY Over COVID Detention Centers
This morning my interviews with Attorney Lindsay posted on Lord, thank You for Tricia Lindsay as she sues New York for tyrannical policies and plans. Set the people free! Attorney Tricia Lindsay has sued New York state on several fronts, and she warns citizens...
06.10.23 08:07 PM - Comment(s)
Dump Anxiety and Sound the Alarm
Today Joyce and I were on Headline Prayer Live, covering our stories and others from Here's Joyce's article: Dump Anxiety and Give Him Your ‘Stuff’...
05.30.23 10:49 PM - Comment(s)
Update on Kirk Camerons Story Hours
Victory News used footage I took last December for IFA, and IFA ran that Victory News story: Lord, continue to empower Kirk Cameron as he tells his story to children and points them to truth. ...
05.27.23 09:26 PM - Comment(s)
Satanic Ritual at Pro-Life Center

I wrote an intro for this story for

Lord, our hearts are grieved by the slaughter of innocents. How horrible that those who thirst after the blood of humans would shed the blood of animals to worship Satan and frighten those doing Your work! Bring them under conviction, O...

05.18.23 10:27 PM - Comment(s)
An Update from Kirk Cameron
Victory News interviewed Kirk Cameron to ask how his book reading series is going:
05.16.23 10:47 AM - Comment(s)
I recently wrote these two articles for "Homeschool Interrupted by an FBI Battering Ram" and "Is the FBI Becoming America's KGB?"
04.29.23 07:24 PM - Comment(s)
Intercessors for America ran this piece today:

Lord, direct us to pray with Your authority where You place us, and where we gather to pray, multiply the effectiveness of our prayers!

The importance of traveling to key sites to pray was reinforced the other night when we saw a solo performance in ...
04.18.23 02:35 PM - Comment(s)
 On today's Headline Prayer Live we covered a great number of topics facing America and the world today, including two articles Joyce and I wrote. 

Here's Joyce's:
Prayer for the Lost
Lord, point those who need salvation toward the mercies of the Savior. Let them mourn their sin and tur...
04.11.23 06:19 PM - Comment(s)
Joyce wrote this article, about the founder of one of the few news sources we trust these days. It ran on recently:

Lord, thank You for Floyd Brown and The Western Journal. Please prosper his efforts to provide news with a Christian worldview. Amen.

Floyd Brown, found...
04.05.23 10:00 AM - Comment(s)
Part 1 of this article explains what the Call Team is. Here's the rest of the story:
Lord, thank You for our wonderful IFA Call Team and all the ways You’re answering their prayers for our intercessors! We thank You for all the praise reports and prayers posted on Part 1 of this article. Breathe in...
04.04.23 06:33 PM - Comment(s)
This is old news now, but I'm catching up on things I didn't report because we dropped everything to get to the Asbury Outpouring.

I wrote this before James O'Keefe was ousted from Project Veritas. He said, ""The only thing that has changed is that we broke the biggest story in our orga...
03.20.23 10:00 AM - Comment(s)
Jesus Revolution
is in its fourth week in theaters nationwide, and Intercessors for America ran my introduction to an article telling the rest of the story about his parents...

Lord, thank You that Jesus Revolution is doing better at the box office than many of the films the world is celebrating!...
03.18.23 11:32 AM - Comment(s)
A blessed St. Patrick's Day to you! If you haven’t seen it, or want to be blessed and recalibrated again, enjoy one of the one-man plays that launched my career:

Tuesday morning Part 1 of my article about Intercessors for America's Call Team posted to www.HeadlinePray...
03.17.23 10:45 AM - Comment(s)
Here's an article Joyce wrote for Intercessors for America about the chapel message that launched the Asbury Outpouring
Lord, pour Your Love through Asbury to Your people, and to the nations, and back again to You in worship and adoration.

At times, hushed whispers of adoration. At other ti...
03.12.23 01:20 AM - Comment(s)
Joyce's was the lead article in today's The Informer, sent out through Intercessors for America...
Lord, when government is dangerous, we look to You in Your temple; You test the righteous and hate the wicked (Psalm 11:4–5). 

Analysis. What are we to do when the government’s actions harm cit...
03.11.23 10:30 AM - Comment(s)
This article by Joyce was posted to on February 14, and I forgot to share it in the excitement of the Asbury Outpouring

Lord, convict us of self-focus causing us to be sensitive to offense. Bind the spirit of offense away from us. In Jesus’ name. 

03.06.23 12:24 PM - Comment(s)

Lord, thank you that You are pouring out your Spirit around the globe! Keep bringing people into the Kingdom and setting them on fire for You! 

While reporting from Asbury University’s outpourin...
03.05.23 11:00 AM - Comment(s)
