The Christian Post covers Beyond the Mask

03.19.15 06:23 PM Comment(s) By Rich

New Faith Based Film 'Beyond the Mask' Uses More Green Screen and CG Effects Than Any Other Christian Movie

And they pull it off well! I got to see Beyond the Mask with over 700 people in San Antonio at the Christian Worldview Film Festival. They all leapt to their feet as the credits rolled. After the show John Fornof, who directed Sean Astin of The Lord of the Rings and Joanne Froggatt of Downton Abbey in The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty, told me, "Tonight everything changes."

Then he sent me this: "I remember when Star Wars came out--it revolutionized how movies were made. I got that same feeling watching Beyond the Mask. Rich and I were stunned. We both agreed. This is truly a breakthrough movie in Christian filmmaking. It fires on all cylinders--an intriguing and exciting story of God's redemption with plenty of surprising twists and turns, solid acting, captivating cinematography, blow-your-mind special effects and sets, and a powerful music score. Beyond the Mask sets a whole new standard for what a faith-based film can be--and should be.”

I was thrilled that The Christian Post included me with the featured stars and also highlighted the NYC screening! If you know anyone near the NYC area please send them to We still need to fill 84 seats before the event happens.

Now taking applications for the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp and sign-ups for Engage Rio.