The Dramatic Work of Rich and Joyce Swingle

The Revelation

Blog tagged as The Revelation

I gave this report from the Seattle-Tacoma Airport flying back to Southern Oregon where we're staying through the end of April: If you've already seen the play elsewhere, I encourage you to watch the introduction by my friend, Pa...
04.07.22 05:28 PM - Comment(s)
Wow!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! my 75 and 1/2 years I have seen hundreds of sermons and plays, but I have never seen anything like that. Rich brought the character of John so alive and to portray the book of Revelation in the way he did was absolutely amazing.
05.16.21 06:38 PM - Comment(s)

Here's my report immediately following yesterday's performances of The Revelation in the Marion Correctional Institution...

This was the newsletter that reported my visit:

Dear Intercessors,

The interns at Marion Correctional Institution enjoyed a fabulous visit this past weekend.  Rich Swingle p...
05.16.21 01:44 PM - Comment(s)
You had such an impact on the folks here at Bethel.
--Richard Smith (recalling Rich's performance of The Revelation three years earlier)
Bethel Baptist Temple
Livonia, MI
05.18.18 10:05 PM - Comment(s)
My best friend from seventh grade through college was Ken Redford. During the awkward years of junior high I introduced him to Jesus and the Evangelical Quakers, my denomination at the time. Last week Ken was the main speaker and clerk for the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Evangelical Quakers.

The ...
07.27.15 10:00 PM - Comment(s)
Pastor Joyce Swingle kicks off the New Year preaching on Revelation 21-22. Pastor Linda Warren opens with prayer and reading from His Name is Jesus, including the lyrics of James Montgomery's "Angels from the Realms of Glory." Pastor Jim Warren leads communion and shares announcements. Ri...
01.05.15 02:15 AM - Comment(s)

These are the songs that were interspersed within The Revelation, which was performed last night.

Grooveshark is a third party source. If you listen on their website you will encounter advertisements, none of which are vetted or endorsed by Westchester Chapel. If there are ads that you find offens...
04.28.13 09:06 PM - Comment(s)
I was interviewed by George Flores on Star 99.1FM about next Saturday's performance of The Revelation, among a number of other things.

Here are links to more information on some of the things I mentioned during the interview:
04.20.13 02:37 AM - Comment(s)

When we were setting the date of the 15th Anniversary performance of my one-man play  The Revelation we were all thinking it would be in March, but one conflict after the other pushed it back to next Saturday. Little did we know that the timing would make it a comfort to us all as we mour...
04.20.13 01:59 AM - Comment(s)

Rich Swingle will perform The Revelation on April 27 at The Crowne Plaza of White Plains, NY, 7pm. FREE Admission. The Crowne Plaza is at 66 Hale Ave., White Plains, NY 10601.

Rich has performed this play Off-Broadway, at national arts conferences in the US a...
03.28.13 10:10 AM - Comment(s)

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03.27.13 05:09 PM - Comment(s)
There was a technical error that prevented today's sermon from being recorded, but we uploaded Bill H.'s opening comments about Palm Sunday and  Pastor Joyce Swingle's prayer and announcements. Pastor Jim Warren also shares some news about the April 27 production of The Revelation.

03.25.13 01:09 AM - Comment(s)

Pastor Linda Warren continues the sermon series O Come Let Us Adore Him, preaching on Revelation 4 and 5, passages that are considered to have been songs about Jesus in the original Greek.  Rich Swingle shares excerpts from his one-man play, The Revelation. The reference to the woman in the p...
12.24.12 01:42 AM - Comment(s)
Rich Swingle is an amazing actor! I've had the pleasure of attending several of his workshops and experiencing his shows, The Revelation --this one blew my mind and brought me to my knees!) and A Clear Leading ( I Dreamed I Was Free) --a very accurate historical and spiritually inspi...
11.11.10 11:58 AM - Comment(s)
